Category Archives: Evolution

Is Life Sacred – Can There Be a God?

As our ancestors evolved in growing societies, living in larger and more diverse groups, our choices in ethics evolved. We created bonds with our families, friends, and communities. Tribal existence came about through shared similarities. These bonds still required more than family or ethnic ties. Our ancestors knew that like minded groups were necessary for protection from predators, both human and animal.

What we call ‘religion’ was originally rooted in an acknowledgement of the tragic fact that everyone dies. It has been used to create rituals so that people would gather to hear from their “wise men” and “mystics”.

Many believe that the roots of our personal faith provide an answer to the questions of creation. As Arthur Schopenhauer stated, “Everyone takes the limits of their own vision for the limits of the world.”

We associate spiritual practices with limitlessness, from that we assume that only a great and powerful supernatural being created all that we can observe and that a ‘soul’ resides inside our flesh until it’s released at death. This is where faith, religion, messiahs, prophets, apostles, Imams, priests, rabbis, popes, cardinals, reverends, monks, and other chosen titles, take over their respective groups. They receive an elevated status within the community. They interpret ancient writings and give explanation to what will happen to us after death.

Did you know ancient scripture had a wife before Eve for Adam? Click on the image.

Ra or Re was the ancient Egyptian deity of the sun. By the Fifth Dynasty, in the 25th and 24th centuries BC, he had become one of the most important gods in ancient Egyptian religion, identified primarily with the noon-day sun. Ra was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the Earth, and the underworld.

Ancient records of civilizations before the Jewish record or that of the followers of Muhammad, had already created a pantheon of their ideas on deities.

I suspect those who believe in an all powerful – supernatural, all knowing, omnipresent, being, find the following explanations confusing, but to anyone outside of this grand self-deception, it seems logical.

Greek god Hermes

The classic defensive argument for “Why I believe in God,” are; “order doesn’t come from chaos, and without an intelligent designer, all things will decay.” This is followed by an unscientific explanation of thermodynamics and entropy. It’s interesting to note, for those who often explain science 🧪 is faulty, they often choose to use science to prove their point.

• Where did we get the Bible? A brief history. Click on the image.

Science isn’t a religion, or a source of complete knowledge. It’s simply a method to observe, take note of results, rinse – repeat. When it gets those previously accepted facts wrong, this method when practiced correctly, requires the adherent to reexamine the data, find more of it, use better ways of testing, and often finds better answers.

This doesn’t seem to be the case with those who consider themselves believers. They find it necessary to repeat most of their basic steps to continue to believe in something or someone they can’t see, hear, touch, smell, or really know. All people who say, they literally talk to God and it, he, she, talks back, are not trying to educate, they’re practicing repeat indoctrination. Many of those who lead often do so to control, create a powerful cohesive political or fighting force, or relieve you of your possessions through claims that you will receive a reward, either soon or in the kingdom of god.

Some are insistent that you believe just as they do, or try through peer pressure to convince you. When Christians used to have more control, these believers might imprison you, confiscate property, or make you swear an allegiance, even to the point of death. Believers used to roam the globe, taking things away or putting people to death for not believing as they do. To ignore these facts, are to ignore history.

Zeus was a Greek god

Believers now usually resort to their vocal or electronic persuasions. There are some organizations of believers that don’t tolerate any disagreement with the organization, or of those in charge.

What are our methods to call upon God for our needs. Well, that is understood to be prayer. As far as I know, no one has a direct line of communication to god. When the believer prays, maybe their significant other is in the hospital with an injury or a disease. There maybe children at home who need both parents. if this person passes, what do we hear? “It’s God’s will.” If they recovered, it likely would be called a miracle or also God’s will. Either outcome, places a ✔️ in the believer’s box.

Children are destroyed by other men, right before the believer’s hands and eyes. It’s happening right now somewhere in the world. Millions of god’s chosen people were killed during WWII, some by Christian believers. Many people have been enslaved by other so called believers, some of those were Christians, too.

What’s my point? As an imperfect human father that I am, and if it were in my power to control, I wouldn’t allow rape, molestation, abduction, enslavement, killing, starving, beating, or horrible disease that occurs daily around this earth.

For a perfect, omnipresent, omnipotent, living creator to let this all happen, even after the cries of the believer are heard, demonstrates someone that’s indifferent, implacable, incompetent, or incapable.

Children need more from their parents than belief. They need responsible, caring parents that do what they’re able to benefit their progeny. Belief in a god fails on all matters of human decency. We’re left to the whims of an unpredictable god, just as they were in ancient Rome.

As far as believe or suffer for eternity, that’s just what you might think another imperfect human being would say to get you to conform. A loving parent would make it clear, they’re not going to turn away from you in your hour of need. They certainly wouldn’t punish a child forever if they didn’t conform into believing or die, and then be in torment forever.

Maybe, just maybe we could distinguish these believing leaders from the avarice and selfish nature of secular leaders. What if they quit trying to fleece their flocks? They could start out by selling their private art collections, palatial estates, yachts and jets, and giving it back where needed to their flocks??

Most of all, if the United States is / was a Christian nation, there’s a lack of supporting evidence. Before any of the believer’s respond, look at the 200+ conflicts / wars, the U.S. has started since WWII. Look at our concern over health care. Sure we provide it to those with ample money, but the rest can just suffer or hope that some charity may take pity. Homelessness doesn’t look very compassionate to me, how about you?

I’m left with one of many things I remember from Bible study. “Belief, you say you have belief?” “The demons believe in me, and they’re still condemned.” That’s paraphrased from James 2:19.

I don’t believe in science or evolution. Science is a tool which aids an educated person to know the difference between fact and mythology.

Evolution comes from the preponderance of discovered physical evidence. You can examine the evidence and conclude what you like. No one says you must believe in evolution or be condemned, especially for an eternity. There’s a distinct lack of evidence when it comes to a supernatural being. Just because you don’t understand pre-calculus doesn’t mean that calculus II or linear algebra doesn’t exist. Evolution has been proven. It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no god. The two can potentially both exist, however there’s a lot of reliable evidence in evolution, not so when it comes to deciding there’s a supernatural being of immense compassion that may or may not answer your prayers.

Even if we’re to assume there’s a being of indescribable knowledge and longevity, how could we understand anything from that being? It’s somewhat the equivalent of an ant working on their ant hill and we come across that ant. It neither would understand our communication, intelligence, or abilities, yet it may sense our presence. The distinction between the two living organisms is obvious, but there wouldn’t be a way for the human or ant to communicate. I don’t think we would understand a god anymore than the ant and human.

If you were an ancient Greek, you might be inclined to say, the Gods have spoken. That too would be a myth. “Some unexplained events are called miraculous, but these miracles don’t prove the existence of God.”

Rest assured my thoughts aren't the final word. I can be completely wrong, however so can those of the believer. (╭ರ_•́)

The Why & How From Where We Are Now.

20200322_121938I would like to suggest an idea, but before you react and run away, think about this current situation without the C☆r○na V!ru$.

The announcement was made about a communicable virus running wild in our midst. Panic sets in for many as they swoop down upon grocery, DIY stores, local pharmacies, and even gun shops.

It’s almost laughable how the herd mentality sets in, even to the point where we’re calling, interwebbing, and telling others, get off the streets, take shelter, dont spread the disease to other people.

I’m not dismissing entirely the effects of a type of flu that can kill you, but think how many other communicable diseases there are, how many have died from them, and maybe, if our own hygiene was better, in and outside of the home, we might not have those type of problems.

Right now, we’ve collectively made a decision to not only postpone meetings, gatherings, weddings, travel, and even our visits to many different stores, it’s not just the virus that’s a problem.

When you’re asked, in some cases threatened by government edict to shutdown your business, the ramifications for millions of people are going to be severe.

The proposed idea by the President to send us $1000 checks, and some businesses $$$$$, the costs of lost revenue and paychecks will easily surpass that money. After that, then what? Do we continue to cower in our residences hoping if we say the right words to a mysterious source of power, wait a month or so for our relief checks, sing from our balconies and post the video, that things are just going to be normal.

Let me compare this to a time when I was a child. We practiced for an air raid. We routinely were told, if the Ruskies, or some other evil nuclear empire gets a burr in their saddle, and decides to drop nuclear bombs around us, we just need to “duck & cover” by our desks and everything will be alright. People were building fallout shelters under their homes, in their backyards, it was a time of great paranoia.

Well the civil defense barrels of crackers, peanut butter, and powdered milk, have long since gone bad. Those shelters never used. Frankly, they wouldn’t have worked. Our little hands over our head and ears while kneeling down beside our desk, wouldn’t have either.

None of the current strategies are workable. I’ve thought about this and it’s plain to see, we are at some point going to have to send our kids back to school. We will have to return to work – *assuming the business is still viable and not bankrupt. Do you think this virus will have disappeared? Oh I know, we didn’t overwhelm the hospitals. People were spared from coming in contact with the disease. The fact is, our everyday lives must be resumed, perhaps a bit more cautiously, but we can’t stay sheltered until a supposed cure for all has become available.

We will once again have to go out and about and the COVID-X will be out there. It will start to spread again. What do we do, shelter for 3 months until we’re broke or out of business?

I think we’ve got to face it. Life must go on. Sure, we can wash our hands, quit picking our noses then serving those who have come to eat. Maybe after you pee it’s still a good idea to wash your hands. Treat that cash you handle as having been down someone’s butt crack or used to snort some illegal substance.

Find ways to deal with each other a bit more safely, and then at least two things will happen, other than getting our courage back. First, our bodies will begin to become immune. There will be a vaccine available for you to choose to use or reject. The big takeaways are, get on with a reasonable amount of risk, choose to live your life within the parameters you can control, protect yourself as best as possible, stay home rather than bring your boogies, your sneezing, coughing and projectile diarrhea, to work. Just because you can work with a fever of 102° F, doesn’t mean we want you around us.

Stay home when you’re sick, even if you think it’s just a cold. Don’t share drinks out of the same glasses, and wash your hands!

A Letter From the Past

The study of history, and learning from the consequences of decisions, all help in determining the future of a nation. No nation is immune to social upheaval or degradation in spite of past success.

A Time Capsule from 1938 includes a message from the physicist, Albert Einstein

einstein_picture_1921_profileOur time is rich in inventive minds, the inventions of which could facilitate our lives considerably. We are crossing the seas by power and utilize power also in order to relieve humanity from all tiring muscular work. We have learned to fly and we are able to send messages and news without any difficulty over the entire world through electric waves. However, the production and distribution of commodities is entirely unorganized so that everybody must live in fear of being eliminated from the economic cycle, in this way suffering for the want of everything. Further more, people living in different countries kill each other at irregular time intervals, so that also for this reason any one who thinks about the future must live in fear and terror. This is due to the fact that the intelligence and character of the masses are incomparably lower than the intelligence and character of the few who produce some thing valuable for the community. I trust that posterity will read these statements with a feeling of proud and justified superiority.”

What’s so sad to me is that people once again swallow the Marxist theories of economic production and wealth creation. Robbing one group of people to benefit another group, is a sure path to crippling both.

I grew up in a dysfunctional impoverished family. I lived with the hope and dream that through education (much of it self-taught) and disciplined work, I would not have to endure a lifetime of poverty. That was the dominant view of the society then, and it shows through because we stand upon the shoulders of those who organized, invented, shared, and distributed those ideas to all those willing to learn and move those ideas forward. Elon Musk named a car company Tesla, based on his respect for his inventive genius.

Today, there’s a different populist message. A message of despair, distrust, and selfishness. It goes something like this…
There are some who are privileged and lucky. We who believe we are not, see your success and believe you cheated others out of their rightful inheritance. We demand our fair share and will use that ballot box, legislation, riots, and personal violence if you don’t comply with our demands for social and economic justice.

I think I liked my youthful hopes better.

Education ~
During the 1920s, high school enrollment increased as a result of higher economic prosperity across the country and higher educational standards for industry jobs. It was seen as an avenue for career success and more young Americans entered high school and continued their education through college to gain an edge on others competing for new jobs.

ve1_vespucci_amerigoThere’s a significant push by some to suggest college is an expensive and un-rewarding choice, or that many would benefit by forgoing that education and taking up a trade. As in every “big idea”, there’s a grain of truth. Undoubtedly many people find themselves with burdensome student loans after they finish college. There are several things to consider when paying for higher education, no matter what choice is made, the end result must be examined before the journey begins. Some people would benefit by looking ahead and seeing what their education will do for them in terms of a career. Obviously some career paths provide greater compensation than others. That should be taken into consideration before considerable time and money are invested.

Economies of Scale ~
Mass production improved the economic output of the USA through the manufacture of many identical products by the division of labor into many small repetitive tasks. In the 1920s Henry Ford revolutionized the mode of production to produce inexpensive automobiles that could be purchased by many Americans.

The cost of bringing beneficial and useful appliances, tools, and entertainment, is expensive and risky in the initial phase, with no guarantee the item will be fully functional or desirable to a large group of people. There are a number of economic levers that must be pulled in order to create and launch a new product. Investors risk their reputations as well as the money from others when they support a new idea. Should the ‘product’ be in demand, everyone has a potential for a large economic reward. There are many instances where we see that success happening, but many which are no more successful than the Titanic.

The Constant Obsession ~
There are patterns and habits among many, which humanity clings, the need to compare. We constantly compare our lives in a never-ending chase of dissatisfaction. We feel the need in one form or another to “keep up with the Joneses“. This insatiable pull doesn’t take into account the myriad of differences and abilities each of us possess. The emotional draw ignores facts or discrepancies in order to satisfy the urge.

It’s Official: Wall Street Topped $100 Billion in Profit

This article focuses on the profits made by people on Wall Street. It’s ironic that the company on which this Masthead is posted was founded by Michael Bloomberg. In 1981, with the help of Thomas Secunda, Duncan MacMillan, Charles Zegar, and a 30% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch, Bloomberg launched his successful self-named business. Bloomberg installed his ‘market terminals’ in investment firms, as well as many publicly traded companies. His net worth is now over $58 billion.

In its strongest forms – greed, avarice, jealousy, are a perverse way of keeping score. It’s been said he (or she) with the most toys wins. What do any of us win with that type of focus? We all end up with the same amount of material possessions with which we came into this world. This obsession over what others have instead of ourselves must be tempered by some reality.

There are differences between people, their abilities, their strengths, weaknesses, discipline, goals and consistency. Obviously preparatory education helps, but execution and a willingness to take risks and failure are hallmarks of most successful people. If the game is rigged, either play the game or learn ways in which you will be satisfied without the need to constantly compare and fret over things beyond your control.

The pursuit of happiness (or the movie title misspelling – Pursuit of Happyness) isn’t necessarily about pursuing wealth but there needs to be freedom in which that’s possible. The economic system must allow room for that to occur, even though it’s not always achievable, there’s a need for those who pursue it, the possibility of upward improvement. Economies must not be rigged in such a way that fortune follows only the well-connected and powerful. Many understand it to be that way, based on the considerable pandering and inside deals made between business and politics. This “crony capitalism”, is a cancer on a country’s economy, and perhaps a start point for revolutionaries launch.

What we mustn’t forget are the false promises made through the disenfranchisement and disenchantment by some, to another grand scheme of lofty promises of a group or leader who claims if we only give them the authority, a utopian society will emerge. Such were the promises of Lenin based on Marxism. A society of fairness and higher order doesn’t evolve through more centralized control of production and distribution.

• Marx stated that the revolution of the working class was inevitable; this is why he even state that all history is a history of class struggle.

• Lenin pointed out that along with imperialism a condition for revolution does not emerge. Although heavily influenced by Marx  he diverted from the original ideas of Marx.

•  The communist revolution of Lenin took place in Russia which was economically stagnant.

• The nazi revolution of Hitler took place in Germany, economically ravaged by the outcome of World War I.

• The fascist revolution of Mussolini took place in Italy, because of its economic position after World War I, even though it had sided with the allies.

Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” G. K. Chesterton

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